Special Happenings & Events
Tuesday, September 3
The Men's group also provides meals for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill. This year, they are sponsoring an evening meal.
Meet at the church at TBD to load the cars
Leave the church parking lot at TBD to carpool over
Setup and serve dinner from TBD
Clean up afterwards and return to church
There will be a signup sheet in the fellowship hall closer to the event date. Please sign up to bring the needed food and drinks. If you have questions, please see Rob Hodgkin.
Bread of Life Outreach Ministry
Saturday, October 12
Our men's group sponsors and leads this event several times a year. We prepare, deliver and serve a nutritious hot meal to the guests at the Bread of Life Mission in Sanford, NC. Approximately 40-50 meals are delivered to shut-ins, as well as 100-125 meals are served to guests who visit the mission.
Meet at the church at 9:00 am to load the van and cars / pre-assemble take out desserts
Leave the church parking lot at 9:15 am to carpool over
Setup the serving line and prepare desserts
Assemble hot lunches to be delivered
Team 1: Delivers hot meals to shut-ins and offer prayer/brief fellowship time
Team 2: Serves hot meal to mission guests and offers hospitality and fellowship time
Clean up facility and package leftovers (if any)
Return to church to unload van and put away supplies
There will be a signup sheet in the fellowship hall for desserts, drinks, food prep and volunteers. We need at least 10-12 people for Saturday to properly staff the project. If you have questions, please see Wayne Tysinger or Lisa Edington.
Ronald McDonald House Saturday Brunch
Saturday, November 2
Four times a year the Women's group provides brunch for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill.
Meet at the church at 9:00am to load the cars
Leave the church parking lot at 9:15am to carpool over
Setup and serve brunch from 10:30-12 Noon
Clean up afterwards and return to church
There will be a signup sheet in the fellowship hall for each month. Please sign up to bring the needed food and drinks. If you have questions, please see Rori Powell.
Ronald McDonald House Evening Dinner
Tuesday, September 3
The Men's group also provides meals for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill. This year, they are sponsoring an evening meal.
Meet at the church at TBD to load the cars
Leave the church parking lot at TBD to carpool over
Setup and serve dinner from TBD
Clean up afterwards and return to church
There will be a signup sheet in the fellowship hall closer to the event date. Please sign up to bring the needed food and drinks. If you have questions, please see Rob Hodgkin.
Fall Barbecue Fundraiser
Friday, September 13 @ 11:00 am until the food runs out
$10 per plate - Eat in or Take Out
Join us for a delicious, home-cooked barbecue pork lunch. Serving begins at 11am and will continue until the food runs out (usually between 1-2pm). Your meal includes a generous serving of BBQ pork, boiled potatoes, coleslaw, roll and dessert. If you choose to dine in, you'll also get hush puppies, a drink and a chance to catch up with your friends and neighbors! You may purchase meals ahead of time - see any of the church men for assistance.
Note: For take out orders, enter the south parking lot for drive-thru service!
Bread of Life Outreach Ministry
Saturday, October 12
Our men's group sponsors and leads this event several times a year. We prepare, deliver and serve a nutritious hot meal to the guests at the Bread of Life Mission in Sanford, NC. Approximately 40-50 meals are delivered to shut-ins, as well as 100-125 meals are served to guests who visit the mission.
Meet at the church at 9:00 am to load the van and cars / pre-assemble take out desserts
Leave the church parking lot at 9:15 am to carpool over
Setup the serving line and prepare desserts
Assemble hot lunches to be delivered
Team 1: Delivers hot meals to shut-ins and offer prayer/brief fellowship time
Team 2: Serves hot meal to mission guests and offers hospitality and fellowship time
Clean up facility and package leftovers (if any)
Return to church to unload van and put away supplies
There will be a signup sheet in the fellowship hall for desserts, drinks, food prep and volunteers. We need at least 10-12 people for Saturday to properly staff the project. If you have questions, please see Wayne Tysinger or Lisa Edington.
Ronald McDonald House Saturday Brunch
Saturday, November 2
Four times a year the Women's group provides brunch for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Chapel Hill.
Meet at the church at 9:00am to load the cars
Leave the church parking lot at 9:15am to carpool over
Setup and serve brunch from 10:30-12 Noon
Clean up afterwards and return to church
There will be a signup sheet in the fellowship hall for each month. Please sign up to bring the needed food and drinks. If you have questions, please see Rori Powell.